petak, 6. travnja 2012.

Afrodita in 2 steps

Let me just continue where I left the last time, where I’m trying to bring my terrible skin to life… I craved for a facial treatment and this Aloe Vera peeling & moisturizing mask from Afrodita was just what I needed. To be honest it was the first time I tried it but I loved what it did to my face; so let me tell you a few more words about it :)

Da samo nastavim od prošli puta, gdje još pokušavam oživiti svoju umrtvljenu kožu… lice mi je žudilo za nekakvim tretmanom a ovaj Aloe Vera peeling i maskica od Afrodite bili su upravo ono što mi je trebalo. Da budem iskrena, ovo je prvi puta da sam ih isprobala ali efekat mi se jako dopao, pa mi dozvolite da vam natipkam par riječi o njima ;)



So it comes in two easy steps :)

Dakle dolazi u dva jednostavna dijela :)

1. The first step is to remove all those dead skin cells before using the mask by applying the peeling on moist skin and gently massage your face and your neck and just rinse with plenty of warm water afterwards. Here’s what it consists of:

1. Prvi je korak uklanjanje odumrlih stanica epiderme prije nanošenja maske, tako da na vlažnu kožu nanesete peeling i lagano izmasirate  kožu lica i vrata, te nakon toga isperete sa puno tople vode. Evo od čeg se sastoji:


2. The second step is to apply the mask in a thick layer and rinse after 15 minutes – it’s that simple ;) I have to say my face was as soft as a baby’s bottom afterwards, it just made my day :) it can be used twice a week (even more if the skin is irritated by environmental factors) but this time I had just this one package, what a shame… here’s what the mask is made of:

2. Slijedeći je korak nanošenje maske u debljem sloju koji ostavite na koži 15 minuta i nakon toga isperete toplom vodom – to je sva mudrost ;) moram reći, lice mi je nakon svega bilo meko ko bebina guza, jednostavno mi je uljepšalo dan :) može se nanijeti 2x tjedno (ili više ako je koža posebno nadražena vanjskim čimbenicima) ali ovaj puta nažalost imala sam samo jedan paketić… maska se sastoji od:


The price of this 2 step package is 13kn (about 2,3$) and you can find it in drugstores – dm, Kozmo, Müller… I was looking for it in Bipa, they had some other masks from Afrodita, but not this one as well. I have to find that Clean Phase peeling which comes in a 75ml package because I’m in love with this thing; it’s the best one I’ve tried!

Cijena ovog pakiranja je oko 13kn I može se kupiti u svim drogerijama – dm, Kozmo, Müller… tražila sam je u Bipi ali nije bilo baš ove Aloe Vera maske, već neke druge. Postoji Clean Phase peeling u pakiranju od 75ml I moram taj potražiti jer sam oduševljena peelingom, ovaj je do sada najbolji koji sam probala!


Have you tried any Afrodita products? I’ve tried the Almond multiactive nourishing facial cream and loved it, but that’s already another topic ;)

Jeste li već isprobale koje Afroditine proizvode? Ja sam imala bademovu multiaktivnu hranjivu kremu za lice, bila mi je odlična; no to je već tema za sebe ;)

četvrtak, 5. travnja 2012.

Sweet lips

Hello my lovely ladies :)

These days when being sick sugar was a good friend, both mine and boyfriends… I have to say, lying in bed, in a closed room, without enough liquid, antibiotics… it made my skin suffer pretty much - it got really dry and itchy. But what I really hate is very dry, chapped lips… no matter how much I tried to nourish them, when I’m sick, they’re just in a terrible condition. Recently I tried the Lush Lip Scrub in Sweet Lips and yes, they ARE amazing, they SMELL amazing and they TASTE amazing! But 68kn (12$) for 25g was just too much money for me right now, for just a lip scrub, no matter how much I loved it so I decided I’d make one myself with the ingredients I had at home…

Ovih dana kad smo bili bolesni šećer nam se pokazao kao dobar prijatelj :) moram reći, ležanje u krevetu u zatvorenoj prostoriji, bez dovoljno tekućine i uz trošenje antibiotika poprilično naškodi mojoj koži – postane užasno suha i jako svrbi… ali ono što stvarno mrzim su užasno suhe i oštećene usnice. Koliko se god trudila njegovati ih melemom, kad sam bolesna on sam jednostavno ne pomaže. Nedavno sam imala priliku isprobati Lush Lip Scrub Sweet Lips i zaista je divan, miriši divno i čak je i divnog okusa! Ali cijena od 68kn za 25g proizvoda mi je bilo zaista previše za dati u ovom trenutku pa sam odlučila napraviti jedan sama kod kuće, od sastojaka koje sam imala…

lush lip scrubs, sugar lips, mint julip,sweet lips, bubblegum

Reading a few of DIY lip scrubs I made a combination that was really helpful afterwards :) what I had was:
  • sugar
  • honey
  • olive oil
  • vanilla extract
And the final result: I scrubbed them twice in two days to get the dead skin off, put some chopstick afterwards, and they’re back to normal now :)

Istražujući malo DIY peeling za usne napravila sam kombinaciju sastojaka i zaista je pomoglo :) ono što sam imala su:
  • šećer
  • med
  • maslinovo ulje
  • ekstrakt vanilije
I konačni rezultat: dva puta u dva dana sam ih pilingirala da uklonim svu onu mrtvu kožu, dobro namazala melemom kasnije i moje usnice vratile su se u normalu :)


Another thing I used sugar for was my boyfriends terrible cough. Did your mom or your grandma ever make you a hot cup of caramelized sugar when you had a sore throat or a bad cough when you were little? Since he didn’t want to go to see a doctor that’s what I made him :) so in case you never heard of that, what you do is: take a spoon (or a spoon and a half) of sugar, and put it in a bowl, heat it up until it melts and turns into beautiful golden liquid, then add a cup of milk and just stir and boil until the caramelized sugar melts into the milk :) That’s it, just drink it while it’s still warm ;)

Još jedna stvar za koju sam koristila šećer je gadan kašalj mog dragog. Da li vam je mama ili baka ikad pripremala “špinani šećer” odnosno šalicu toplog karmeliziranog šećera kad ste bili mali? On nije htio doktoru pa sam mu za kašalj pripremala upravo to :) za slučaj da niste nikad čule za špinani šećer evo kako se radi: žlicu (ili žlicu i pol) šećera stavite u posudu i na vatri lagano zagrijavate dok se potpuno ne otopi i pretvori u divnu zlaćanu tekućinu; zatim dodate šalicu mlijeka i prokuhate na laganoj vatri dok se karamelizirani šećer ponovo ne otopi u mlijeku. I to je to :) samo popijte dok je još toplo ;)


ponedjeljak, 2. travnja 2012.

I'm back

Hello my lovely ladies :) I'm back, finally... it's like a plague house here for a week now and I'm sick of being sick... this was me the last few days (along with some other non-stomach related issues that almost made my head explode)

so my only destinations were bed-bathroom-sofa :D and of course now when I started feeling better, my dear boyfriend got a cold so I'm keeping my fingers crossed I won't catch that too because that would just be way too much for me... I have some half-prepared posts for you so I'll be back tomorrow :)
